
Saint-Denis station transformation enhances accessibility and intermodality

Posted: 16 May 2024 | | No comments yet

The redevelopment of Saint-Denis station aims to enhance accessibility and intermodality in Île-de-France through features like an underground passage, lifts and platform enhancements.

Saint-Denis station transformation enhances accessibility and intermodality

Credit: Île-de-France Mobilités

Île-de-France Mobilités has announced that the Saint-Denis station – L’Île-Saint-Denis has recently completed a significant redevelopment project aimed at improving accessibility and intermodality within the Île-de-France region. The station, ranking as the fifth busiest in Île-de-France and twelfth in France, serves a substantial volume of passengers annually and plays a pivotal role in the regional transportation network.

Over the course of four years, SNCF Gares & Connexions and SNCF Réseau have undertaken extensive renovation work to modernise and upgrade the station facilities. The key objectives of this project have been to enhance accessibility for all passengers and improve the flow of travellers between different modes of transport connected to the station.

Key improvements include the construction of an expansive underground passage spanning 800 square metres beneath a major railway axis, facilitating easier access between platforms. The installation of four lifts and two escalators enhances vertical mobility within the station, particularly for passengers with reduced mobility. Additionally, platforms have been raised by 1,500m to improve boarding and alighting processes.

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The project also involved the redevelopment of the historic square and the creation of new access points to the station, including a modern passenger building. These enhancements are expected to accommodate growing passenger numbers and promote smoother transitions between different transport modes.

Funding for the €165 million project has been secured through a partnership between Île-de-France Mobilités (50%), SNCF Réseau (25%) and the Île-de-France Region (25%). This collaboration underscores the shared commitment to improving public transport infrastructure and accessibility across the region.

The transformation of Saint-Denis station aligns with the broader goals outlined in the agency’s Accessibility Master Plan, which aims to make 240 stations across the region accessible by 2025. This comprehensive plan reflects the region’s dedication to creating a more inclusive and efficient transportation network for all residents and visitors.

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