
The People Behind the Wheel Podcast Episode 4 – Thomas Ableman, Transport for London

In the final ‘The People Behind the Wheel’ podcast episode, Thomas Ableman, Director of Strategy & Innovation, reflects on his transformative tenure at TfL, discussing his innovative initiatives and future entrepreneurial pursuits.

The People Behind the Wheel Podcast Episode 4 - Thomas Ableman, Transport for London

Beginning the conversation for this episode, Thomas Ableman shares his journey into the transport industry and his current role at Transport for London (TfL). He reflects on his experiences and the pivotal moments that shaped his career, offering insights into the strategic thinking that guides one of the world’s largest urban transport networks.

Then, Thomas delves into the innovative projects and initiatives TfL is undertaking to improve the transportation experience in London. He discusses the introduction of the Elizabeth line, efforts to reduce the environmental impact of transport, and how data and technology are leveraged to enhance service efficiency and customer satisfaction. Thomas highlights the importance of keeping the needs of Londoners at the forefront of TfL’s planning and execution, emphasising customer-centric innovation.

In the second half of this episode, we shift our focus to the future as Thomas discusses his aspirations for the continued evolution of London’s transport system. He shares his vision for a more sustainable and efficient urban mobility landscape, aligning with the Mayor’s Transport Strategy goal for 80% of all trips to be made on foot, by cycle, or using public transport by 2041. Additionally, Thomas reveals his personal plans to transition into a freelance career, focusing on helping organisations innovate faster by adopting start-up techniques and leadership approaches. Drawing from his diverse experiences at National Express Group, Chiltern Railways, Snap and TfL, he aims to bridge the gap between corporate and entrepreneurial sectors.

Thomas AblemanThomas Ableman is Director of Strategy & Innovation at Transport for London, one of the world’s largest city-wide transport authorities. Thomas is responsible for getting TfL ready for the future: from setting and leading TfL’s strategy through to the testing and adoption of new mobility solutions in London and developing and harnessing innovation to solve TfL’s problems. Previously he founded and scaled venture-backed start-up Snap Travel Technology. He started his career at National Express and Chiltern Railways.